Salary Feature: Head of Ops

Every month we will be highlighting salaries and benefits for different roles in tech, gathered from our Filipinx community and shared here in an effort to encourage transparency.

If you would like to contribute, please anonymously share your information here: FiT Salary Feature Form

Professional Title: Head of Ops

Salary and/ or hourly rate: $180,000

Does your company provide equity? Yes

Does your company provide healthcare benefits? Yes

What is your company's PTO policy? Unlimited

Does your company provide any mental health benefits? Yes

Any additional stipends, benefits that your company offers: Learning benefits

Does your company provide a 401k? Yes

City / State: N/A

Age / Age Range: 35-40

How Many years of professional experience do you have? 8-10

How many years of experience at a tech company? 1-3

Are you at a FAANG company? No


FiT Feature: Robel Paguio


Salary Feature: Senior Product Design