FiT Feature: Jena Boehm


Name:  Jena Boehm

Location: Portland, OR 

Age or Age Range: 27

Title:  Software Engineer

Company:  WebMocha

How long have you been in tech? 1.5 years


What made you decide to switch to a career in tech?

I needed something more stable. I was freelancing in the events industry previously, and while I loved the work I was doing, I was starting to get burned out with all the traveling and uncertainty. Then COVID hit and, of course, events were the first to go, so I had the opportunity to really evaluate what I wanted my next steps to be. I decided on coding because I enjoy solving puzzles and understanding how individual parts can come together to create one cohesive project. It’s pretty similar to event production in that way, and activates a lot of the same parts in my brain that keep me engaged. 


What advice do you have for people considering switching to software engineering? 

A lot of people are attracted to engineering for the money, but you HAVE to make sure you actually enjoy doing it too. Evaluate if you feel motivated by a challenge and are drawn to a career that requires lifelong learning. Try out some online coding exercises or take a short course to see if it’s something you might be interested in. And definitely talk to people who are already in the field to gain some insight into what their experience has been like.


What advice do you have for people who want to attend a bootcamp?

Do as much research as you can. Find one that will offer hands-on instruction and is transparent about their outcomes. Sometimes it’s worth it to spend a little more on a quality education, if you’re able. Breaking into tech is so much more than just learning the technical skills. You have to learn how to network, how to interview, how to work within a team and organization, best practices, and how to advocate for yourself and your needs. The best bootcamp is one that will teach you all these skills and give you a well-rounded education. Also, lean on your cohort mates. You all have the ability to be an invaluable support system for one another.


Do you feel represented in Tech?

Not really. I’m often the only woman on a dev team and one of the few among the rest of the organizations that I’ve worked with. I do feel that it’s slowly changing, though.


Do you feel supported by the Filipinx community?

Absolutely. I was able to interview at WebMocha because of a connection made through Filipinx in Tech. I may be one of the few women, but I am grateful to feel represented as a Filipina! Being involved with Filipinx in Tech is honestly the first time in my life that I’ve felt connected to the Filipinx community outside of my own family. 


What advice do you have for anyone looking to break into tech?

It can be really hard, confusing, and overwhelming sometimes. Ask for help. Find a mentor. Connect with your community. Leverage the resources you have. And make sure to enforce a healthy work/life balance so you don’t burn out.


How can people reach you and what for?

Feel free to reach out at or on LinkedIn (please send a message with your connection request if you do!) I’d be happy to chat, especially if you are considering switching to engineering or are early in your career.


Salary Feature: Marketing Manager


Salary Feature: Product & Design Lead